Heirloom Tomato Salad by Chef Kevin Hermann

Chicken In The Pot
August 21, 2023
Holiday Cranberry Chutney
November 16, 2023

Sweet Corn Custard, Cucumber, Dill, Ricotta Salata, Pea Tendrils, Balsamic & Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Serves: 4-6 people

6-8 each Heirloom Tomatoes
1Quart Sweet Corn Custard
1-2ea Sweet Cucumbers, thinly sliced
1C Dill, picked
1/2C Ricotta Salata, shaved
1C Pea tendrils

Sweet Corn Custard

2oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4T Butter, unsalted
6ea Ears Sweet bi-color corn, cleaned and trimmed off the cob
3ea Shallots
5ea Garlic Cloves, Chopped
12floz Heavy Cream
2T Tarragon, Fresh chopped
6oz Honey, local preferred
T.t. Salt and black pepper


  1. In a medium/ large pot over medium-high heat.  Add butter and EVOO.  Allow butter to melt and begin to brown.
  2. Add the corn and stir until uniformly coated in oil and butter.
  3. Add garlic and shallots, cook mixture until shallots and garlic begging to take on some color. Light brown.
  4. Combine remaining ingredients.  Using just enough cream to barely cover the corn in the pot.  Stir and simmer for 30-45 mins.  The mixture will reduce by half.
  5. Season mixture with salt and fresh ground black pepper.
  6. Puree using either and immersion blender (stick blender) or regular blender.  Be careful the mixture will be extremely hot.
  7. Puree mixture until almost smooth, leaving some texture to the custard.
  8. Cool and serve chilled or room temperature
  9. Take your heirloom tomatoes and cut them into smaller bite-sized chunks.  Tools them with olive oil and sea salt.  Allow to marinate while preparing the rest of the dish.


  1. Take a large table spoon of custard and spread it generously on the base of the plate.
  2. Arrange 6-8 pieces of tomato on top of the custard
  3. Garnish with the cucumber, ricotta salata, herbs and pea shoots.
  4. Drizzle with balsamic and olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.
  5. Enjoy the summers bounty.