Oven Roasted Turkey Roulade Recipe
November 3, 2021
Fire Roasted T-bone Steak
July 19, 2023

Thanksgiving is turkey, right? Moist, tender carved slices, smothered with gravy. It all starts in September for Bistro.

How many did we cook last year? How many will we need this year? Is the menu full of our favorite supporting sides?

This year began like all others… ready to order the turkeys. But, what!?!?

NO TURKEYS????!!!!

Haven’t we had enough to deal with without adding ‘Thanksgiving without turkey’ to the mix? I had a visual – sitting with the family, and there in the center is this empty carving board, just waiting for my beloved turkey.

I must admit, it took me more than a minute to accept this reality. It began as a small thought (and not a very righteous one) – could I be thankful without slow roasted turkey? What was I truly thankful for? So, I made a list. I was surprised turkey didn’t make the cut.

So, we stopped looking. We stopped calling every farm. We stopped looking at every website.

We JUST STOPPED LOOKING. Yes, you heard this correctly – there is no turkey this year on our Thanksgiving menu.

This year at Bistro To Go, our new… or maybe not-so-new tradition is to be THANKFUL.

Dinner will still be served. Please check out our menu.

Thankfully yours,